You cannot see any room until you register with an account.
The Purpose
The Purpose of the JBM Discussion Rooms is to provide a place for dialogue over content shared by the preaching and teaching of our team in camps, retreats, conversations, interviews, revivals, or statements given on our YouTube Channel (
These boards have not been created to discuss theology in general nor Biblical doctrine outside the context of a specific sermon or teaching. Though we may, UPON REQUEST, enter into "Off Topic" discussions, we reserve the right to not enter into any discussion nor allow a discussion we deem innapropriate in JBM Discussion Rooms to take place in our rooms.
Our Team does not have the time nor have we been lead by the Holy Spirit to create a Forum or Message Board for general discussion. This space has been created to help "clarify" and "flush out" what we believe concerning God's Word as revelaled by the Holy Spirit.
We take no offense from any who do not believe as we do. We are completely at peace with agreeing to disagree over matters discussed here in these rooms. We DO NOT ALLOW, however, any voice to undermine the ingetrety of what we believe or share in this space. You are free to believe and to expound on your bleiefs in any other place, just not in these rooms.
A wise man once told me...
"Young man, I like country music. You like heavy metal. You are free to listen to whatever you like, whenever you like, whereever you like. But it WILL NOT be in my living room!"
We feel the same way.
Clarification Questions -v- Interigative Questions
I love to respond to questions like,
"You said something I didn't understand, can you clarify what you meant?"
"You said something I've never heard before, what did you mean?"
"You said something that I'm not sure about, can you explain a little further what you mean?"
I DO NOT respond to statement-questions like,
"I don't believe what you are preaching. How could you believe that way?"
"What you said is heresy. Have you considered my view?"
"I don't like what you are teaching. Have you read or studied this person?"
Code of Conduct
Those who participate in JBM Discussion Rooms dialogue should conduct themselves as chidlren of God. All contributing in discussion should be respectful of others. Personal attacks, course joking, crude comments, foul language, bullying and the like will not be tolerated. We desire to foster in this space a culture of honor for all who participate as well as a posture of seeking for the Truth of Christ as revealed in the Bible by the Holy Spirit.
Our rules are established to benefit all who visit JBM Discussion Rooms. The Administrative team reserves the right to remove comments, discipline users, and in extreme cases, ban accounts for repeat offenders. Do not bypass bans by creating or using another account or modifying your IP address. Doing so will result in a permanent ban and/or an IP ban and a complaint to your ISP (internet service provider).
Please refrain from advertising, promoting, or directing others to ministries, social media groups, persons or products outside these rooms while dialoging within these rooms. This space has not been created for propoganda, but for dialogue and explaination over JBM content. All such actions will be removed. These conversations may be appropriate, but should be done through other platforms.
Personal Information
Your personal information may be used for the purposes of making you a registered member of our site. This is necessary in order for you to contribute in dialogue while using our rooms. Your email address may also be used to inform you of activity on our site. Your IP address is recorded when you perform certain actions on our site, but to our knowledge, never publicly visible.